English Essentials
with Emily Nash
If you, or someone you know, want to practice strategies for reading and writing in a safe, friendly environment, this is the course for you.
Reading and writing are complex. The teacher will share the skills necessary to understand what you read, and to build your vocabulary and your confidence with writing. Using articles, books, vocabulary exercises and online computer applications, increase your ability to read, write, remember, and feel confident in the world. This is an in-person class with ongoing enrollment through May.
Emily Nash brings many years of experience teaching adult education and has strong skills in designing curriculum to meet the real needs of students. She’s respectful and sensitive to the needs of adult learners and is always a good listening ear. She loves to read, and between stints as an adult education teacher, she is a seasonal professional landscaper. Emily is a student advisor, and teaches English, HiSET prep and Multilingual Learners.
If you are interested in learning more about this class, call 207.664.7110, or email adultedinfo@ellsworthschools.org for an appointment with a student advisor.